The Couple Next Door

For the past year or so, I’ve been seriously committed to finishing my manuscript once and for all. I’d get up at the crack of dawn, write for a few hours, spend the rest of my day working on other blog/T-shirt stuff, but my book was constantly on my mind. And now that it’s done I’m not quite sure what to do with myself.

My alarm went of at 6:00 a.m. today, I crept downstairs to make coffee, Har crawled into my lap, and I opened my computer and didn’t know where to go from there. Of course there’s a million things to do with Taylor Wolfe Shop, the holidays are coming after all and I have to entice you to shop with me 🙂 but that’s the kind of work I prefer to do in the afternoon and evening. My mornings are my creative time, when my mind is a blank canvas and my anxious thoughts haven’t fought their way in yet to clutter it up.

And so here I am, writing a morning blog post like the good old days. I’ve started this post with no real ending point in mind, so bare with me if it’s a bit of a ramble.

As for my book, well I’m waiting to see what the next steps are in this process. And by waiting I mean I’m hoping there are next steps… But one way or another, I will publish the 96,000 words I wrote and demand that you read every of one of them. And you’ll ENJOY it damn it or I’ll turn this car around.

In all honesty, my stomach drops every time I think about someone actually reading what I’ve wrote. I’m proud of it, but it also feels like I’m feeding myself to wolves here. Then I remind myself that’s all a part of creating something new. And I’ve been critiquing books for years, so I think it’s about time I stepped into the arena. Right, Brene Brown?

Speaking of critiquing, I just finished The Couple Next Door. I’ve seen this book everywhere. People seem to love it or hate it- but isn’t that always the case? It was a mixed bag for me. I finished it in less than a week and found the story to be intriguing, but the writing was so choppy and … meh. There was a paragraph where it actually started with the same name THREE times. “Marco was scared. Marco didn’t want to go to jail. Marco farted.” Okay, those weren’t the actual sentences but you get the idea. And yet I finished it front to back. So perhaps a book doesn’t need pretty writing if the story is that good… If you’ve read it, what did you think?

On that note, I’ll wrap up this ramble. There’s work to be done, leaves are dropping, and snow is on the horizon… Winter is coming.


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