A Girls Trip To Scottsdale

I believe it was a particularly blistery cold March day when I told my mom we should go on a trip somewhere warm for my sister’s birthday. My mom, a person who has never said no to a trip in her life, immediately agreed and so we quickly chose a destination and then began trying to figure out a week that would work for all of us.

Originally it was supposed to be a surprise for my sister (my family LOVES bday surprises) but as it turns out, it’s kind of hard to surprise a hard working mother of three young children so in the end we told her to make sure she could attend her own bday trip. And we decided on Scottsdale knowing it would be two things 1. hot and 2. hot.

The day we left it was 83 degrees in Chicago (unusually high temps for May 1st) and when I landed in Phoenix it was 65…. unusually low, I was told.


Never the less, we made the most of it. We had drinks by the fire pits to stay warm, ate wonderful brunches every morning, and hiked Camelback without breaking a sweat.

And now I’m going to post more photos in one post than I have all year. Humor me and go along. Being on a trip with my mom meant taking all of the blog photos my dirty little blogger heart desired!

“Take one of me not looking!”

Striped Crop Pants.

Striped Jumpsuit. (I like stripes, let’s get over it.)

The Mom tank top 🙂

At the end of the trip, my mom and sister flew out and this guy flew in for a wedding we attended. 2016 was the year all of my pals got married and two years later it’s Chris’s turn.

Palm Print Wrap Dress.

On that note, I’ve got to get moving. We leave in less than 24 hours for one more wedding in Palm Springs and then we get a two month break.

But before I go, if you’re heading to Scottsdale soon and looking for a fun hotel, might I suggest the Andaz? This is in no way a sponsored post, we just had such great service and the staff was so incredibly accommodating I think it’s worth mentioning! The location was perfect, the food was amazing, and I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed sitting out here overlooking this view while I enjoyed my coffee every morning.

Now I really have to go. Bye! Happy Tuesday!

*some affiliate links used. 


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