This was taken on the eve of my 21st birthday. I thought Chris was still in Spain but he surprised me at The Bar The Bar at midnight. After living away from each other for six months it was a really awesome surprise.

But more importantly, check those French Tip acrylics I’ve got going on. Money can’t buy that class. *Actually it can and it was probably $38 which is super pricey, so they were clearly just special occasion birthday nails.

I have to pick up my dress in an hour. Parking is impossible downtown so I’ll probably cab it, unless I want to lug my wedding dress on the Red Line-but then I risk it smelling like the Red Line (aka urine.) So on second thought I won’t be doing that.

I haven’t packed. I have to buy a few more gifts. A few more Target runs. The last thing I should be doing is scrolling old photos on Facebook for a blog post. But here I am. I’m excited and giddy and in a really good mood thinking about what lies ahead.

Yesterday was the opposite. I was full of anxiety and stress and I didn’t even know why. I played “Therapist,” a game I like to play often, where I just ask myself out loud, “why are you freaking out?” Usually I can give an honest answer and figure out what’s bugging me, but yesterday I couldn’t. I was just a mess. I had to take a 3 p.m. nap just to settle the F down. It was weird.

I think every vendor/printer/band/everyone wedding related was emailing me yesterday asking for last minute stuff. So yeah, I guess that was the reason for some of the stress.

But then I read this post by Christy and it couldn’t have come at a better time. Marc Maron’s story won’t be forgotten soon, I’m just a girl on a couch. I don’t know why that story is so comforting to me, but it is.

Now my time is up because I need to go pick up my wedding dress. After that, I shall pack. And then tomorrow morning we’ll leave Chicago because WE ARE GETTING MARRIED.

After nine short years of courtship, and a brief stint of being “common law married” because Kansas is weird,  Chris and I are finally tying the knot. Gettin’ hitched. Doing the thing.


k thanks byeeeeeeeeee.

*I may be MIA for a bit on here, but you know I’ll be gramming and snapping @thedailytay like it’s my job. **because it is.



    • July 23, 2016 / 11:59 pm

      Saya IBU SALMAH ingin berbagi cerita kepada anda semua bahwa saya yg dulunya cuma seorang TKW di ARAB SAUDI jadi pembantu rumah tangga yg gajinya tidak mencukupi keluarga di kampun,jadi TKW itu sangat menderita dan di suatu hari saya duduk2 buka internet dan tidak di sengaja saya melihat komentar orang tentan AKI SOLEH dan katanya bisa membantu orang untuk memberikan nomor yg betul betul tembus dan kebetulan juga saya sering pasan nomor di ARAB SAUDI,akhirnya saya coba untuk menhubungi AKI SOLEH dan ALHAMDULILLAH beliau mau membantu saya untuk memberikan nomor,dan nomor yg di berikan AKI SOLEH meman betul2 terbukti tembus dan saya sangat bersyukur berkat bantuan AKI SOLEH kini saya bisa pulang ke INDONESIA untuk buka usaha sendiri,,munkin saya tidak bisa membalas budi baik AKI SOLEH sekali lagi makasih yaa AKI dan bagi teman2 yg menjadi TKW atau TKI seperti saya,bila butuh bantuan hubungi saja AKI SOLEH DI 082-313-336-747- insya ALLAH beliau akan membantu anda.Ini benar benar kisah nyata dari saya seorang TKW trimah kasih banyak AKI atas bantuang nomor togel nya wassalam.


      Saya IBU SALMAH ingin berbagi cerita kepada anda semua bahwa saya yg dulunya cuma seorang TKW di ARAB SAUDI jadi pembantu rumah tangga yg gajinya tidak mencukupi keluarga di kampun,jadi TKW itu sangat menderita dan di suatu hari saya duduk2 buka internet dan tidak di sengaja saya melihat komentar orang tentan AKI SOLEH dan katanya bisa membantu orang untuk memberikan nomor yg betul betul tembus dan kebetulan juga saya sering pasan nomor di ARAB SAUDI,akhirnya saya coba untuk menhubungi AKI SOLEH dan ALHAMDULILLAH beliau mau membantu saya untuk memberikan nomor,dan nomor yg diberikan AKI SOLEH meman betul2 terbukti tembus dan saya sangat bersyukur berkat bantuan AKI SOLEH kini saya bisa pulang ke INDONESIA untuk buka usaha sendiri,,munkin saya tidak bisa membalas budi baik AKI SOLEH sekali lagi makasih yaa AKI dan bagi teman2 yg menjadi TKW atau TKI seperti saya,bila butuh bantuan hubungi saja AKI SOLEH DI 082-313-336-747- insya ALLAH beliau akan membantu anda.Ini benar benar kisah nyata dari saya seorang TKW
      trimah kasih banyak AKI atas bantuang nomor togel nya wassalam.


  1. July 15, 2016 / 12:25 pm

    Congratulations! I hope all the vendors are done asking questions so you can relax and enjoy the next few weeks.

  2. July 15, 2016 / 1:01 pm

    Woo hoo! Been following you a while and have enjoyed your wedding posts! Have a ball tomorrow and congrats to you both! Cannot WAIT to see pics of the dress!!

  3. July 15, 2016 / 1:56 pm

    Have fun! I just went over to Christy's blog. I have never seen it before but it's like she wrote it for me. What in the actual hell am I doing? Like her, 27 different things at once.

  4. July 15, 2016 / 4:11 pm

    Yayy!! Enjoy!! Do the thing. And yeah…Kansas is REAL weird, but like in the good way.

  5. July 15, 2016 / 6:48 pm

    Congrats girl!! I'll be keeping up with your snapchat and instagram! So excited you get to do all the wedding day things!

  6. July 15, 2016 / 7:41 pm

    So happy for you and Chris… And Harlow. Sending love and good thoughts.. Have a fabulous wedding and a glorious memorable honeymoon… You are both beautiful.

  7. July 15, 2016 / 7:41 pm

    So happy for you and Chris… And Harlow. Sending love and good thoughts.. Have a fabulous wedding and a glorious memorable honeymoon… You are both beautiful.

  8. July 15, 2016 / 9:53 pm

    Congrats!! Enjoy every moment, the day goes so fast! Can't wait to see all the pictures!! xo

  9. July 19, 2016 / 10:52 pm
  10. July 28, 2016 / 10:33 pm

    You guys were babies then! I love going back and looking through old photos and finding gems like that 🙂 Can't wait to hear all about the wedding!!

  11. August 4, 2016 / 3:51 am
  12. September 5, 2016 / 11:14 pm

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