Using Facebook Ads To Gain Followers & Boost Traffic

Last month more than 85,000 views landed on my blog directly from Facebook.

So it should come as no surprise that I’m a big fan of using Facebook advertising to send traffic toward my blog and also toward my other site,

I’ve talked about writing this post for several weeks now and have put it off mostly because I’m not sure where to start. So I’m just going to jump right in.

*Disclaimer: I’m not claiming to be an expert on anything, I’m just sharing with you what has worked for me. I’ve learned through experience, reading tutorials, and watching videos. All the info is out there, you just have to take the time to find it.

Other than using Facebook to bring traffic to my blog, I also credit it with building my entire line, Talk Herbie To Me. Facebook is how I run every giveaway, promo and deal for my Talk Herbie line and I always see an increase in sales after I post something. The young kids might not be on Facebook like the research apparently says, but the people who are my target demographic certainly are.

Speaking of,  who is your target demographic? You need to know this. The more specific the better. We’ll get more into this in a bit.

Let’s start with the basics:

Why did my post only reach 52 people?

Isn’t that the worst? When you write something great but then Facebook tells you they only showed it to 52 people. WHY?

From what I’ve read, there’s a few reasons.

First of all, what time did you post? This matters.

For me, I’ve learned my key posting times are Monday-Thursday between 8:30 p.m.- 10:30 p.m. 

Be careful of over posting. 

The way the Facebook algorithm works (from what I’ve been told and also read) is like this:

If you post several things in a row that no one “LIKES,” then there’s a very good chance hardly anyone will even get the opportunity to see your next post. It’s almost like it’s hidden.

An active newsfeed full of posts with like and comments makes Facebook happy. A quiet one makes them not happy.

On the flip side. If your posts are garnering a lot of attention and LIKES, then Facebook rewards you and puts it in everyone’s newsfeed. They’ll keep pushing your posts out there until they stop getting attention. Until we’re back to only 52 people…

Does this make sense? Is it even true? I don’t know! I just read it somewhere and then carefully monitored my posts and it seemed to make sense.

So how do you change this?

Post things people want to see. Duh, Taylor, you’re probably thinking.

But for real. Don’t just use your Facebook work/blog page for your own content. Post viral articles and videos that you know will get comments and shares. Facebook will give you a little pat on the back when you publish your next personal post, I promise.

If all else fails, post dog videos. I WILL LIKE THEM. I like all dog videos. Or just write about dogs. A few weeks ago this post got 30,000 hits in 24 hours and it made me oh so happy.

Another way to get your posts in front of more people: ask people to share them! Ask fellow blog pals, your mom, your sister, whoever!

Hey blog reader, will you share this (or pin it) if you found it helpful? Cool, thanks. No, you won’t? That’s okay, too. I’ll keep living anyway. See how easy that was?

Fun fact: the algorithm is always changing…

So how do you get around this?

Pay for ads and boosts. 

We’re not talking  hundreds of dollars here. I usually only do $5-$10 per week.

*When I “pay for ads” I go about it two ways. 

I’ll get into this in part two. (It’s really coming this time, I swear!) This has just gotten too long and I need to break it up.

If you have specific questions, please ask them below!

Check out The Daily Tay on Facebook here! Spoiler: my latest post totally tanked because I published it at 9:00 a.m. which is a terrible time for me. Do as I say, not as I do… Tonight I’m reposting an older post and also boosting it. Why? To get more traffic!

And if you want more info about growing your followers and gaining more readers, I’m sitting in on this FREE webinar tomorrow tonight and I already know it’s going to be very helpful!

This was exhausting. Please tell me someone found it useful.
