You always hear fame changes people, but you don’t really get it until you witness it firsthand. Until you see your best friend just completely ignore you at the park, running hot laps like a maniac, going up to every other dog and tackling them without remorse, stealing treats from owners’ pockets.
You don’t know how fame can change someone until you know Harlow.
The park fiasco happened less than an hour ago. Sure, the excess of diva energy might have to do with the fact we only had two walks yesterday. Or perhaps it was because we got a new couch and for some reason any slight change in the house makes Harlow go nuts.
Sidenote: sometime I need to talk about yesterday, when me and one other very small girl tried to move our couch out of our house while King Harlow rode on the thing like he was Cleopatra. He just wouldn’t get off of it. He found it super amusing to sprawl across it while we struggled (quite feverishly I might add) to carry it through our very small hallway.
He’s out of control.
And I know why. It’s not because of the weather. Or cabin fever. It’s because he thinks he’s famous now. Is this my fault? Yes, I’ll take the blame. All good stage moms do.
What happened is that I made the mistake of showing Harlow the final cut from the Volvo commercial he shot back in the fall. I showed him because I was proud. I know I may be a little bias, but I think he nailed it.
It really shows his range as an actor. This was his toughest role yet, playing the part of the “dog.” When the director told us he’d really like Harlow to show off the dog crate feature of the Volvo, Harlow looked at him like, “I’m sorry what? You want me to ride in a cage? Like an animal?”
And then I reminded Harlow that he’s an actooooor. This is his craft. If Jennifer Lawrence can play a struggling middle aged woman time after time, then damn it, Harlow can pretend to be a dog. And so he did. Take a look.
I was honored to get to play Harlow’s sidekick in this short. And even more honored that Volvo chose this wonderful quote of mine to go into their magazine.
“If I don’t make it as a comedian, I’ll become a truck driver. Harlow loves life on the road.”
Well done, self. Way to make your commercial print debut.
Me as a truck driver and a nice shot of Harlow’s backside. I think we’re going places. Watch out, world. Har and Tay are making their mark.
*For Harlow booking inquiries and public appearances please email me at, right now he’s very into night club openings and guest DJ’ing.
This is great! (How was the Volvo?) 🙂
Super 🙂
I love this! Great job to you two 🙂
That's awesome!
I sure hope Harlow got to keep the Volvo as payment for doing that stunning commercial. The star quality shines through for both of you….
That slow motion fence hop!!!! Amazing! (both of you!) I seriously hope that's really your car, it's very Cullen like. I like it.
haha I WISH this was my car.
This is awesome, but I have to ask! What is that incredible contraption in the car for Harlow???
This is great! I'm super jelly but happy you and Harlow get some much needed attention 🙂
I love this! Har is such a diva and I love it. Your snaps of him make my day!
Oh my gosh I love the quote they chose for you and Harlow. He did great and so did you! <3
Let's just admit it: this is the coolest thing ever.
You look super boss driving that volvo! And Harlow's face while he had to be in the crate–hilarious! You could tell he was not pleased he had to sit in there.
I loved it all! He's so handsome! It rocks how dedicated you are to him . . . that's the way it should be! My dog loves the car, but she too thinks she's a legit co-pilot. She rides in the passenger seat, mostly standing on the door handle with her head hanging out the window. She just needs some goggles and a scarf . . .
How cool is this!!! Awesome!!
You two hopping over the fence in the beginning is epic! He is the perfect dog for you! Great video!
I love it! That fence hop was on point! But seriously, what a cool feature.
Whoa! Y'all are famous! Watch out world. Here comes Harlow! 🙂
Looks like Harlow is living it up!He's becoming quite the celebrity.
I love it so much!! Harlow and your personalities just shine through the commercial!
This is awesome!!! That quote is perfect, haha!
You jumped that fence like a champ!
Haha this is great! Harlow is such a star! And your quote is awesome.
wait a second, is that a built in dog cage in that Volvo? please say yes so all future car buying decisions will already have been made for me
I love the relationship you have with your dog! It's absolutely hilarious and refreshing to read!
This is the best! I wish Titan was this well behaved!!
But…did you get to keep the Volvo?
Love the video. Dying laughing over the post!!
Flip Flops and Furs
Haha! This is sooo great. Harlow's a natural in the limelight– keep us in the loop on his next guest DJ-ing gig (that line killed me lol).
So, so famous! You go girl!
xx Kelly
Sparkles and Shoes
Congratulations!!! This is awesome for Harlow (and of course you!!)! I love that they picked that quote. I'm sitting at work cracking up and everyone is looking at me stupidly. Hahaha!
Love it! So nice to know I'm not the only crazy dog lady 🙂 Congrats on your debuts!
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