An Internet Scam

So I have a confession to make. I have a huge weakness for internet scammers. I love them in fact. I should clarify, I absolutely love playing with them. It all started back in college when I worked at a company that was similar to ebay and I would get emails from scammers all day long. Naturally I had to respond to every one of them. And I don’t mean to boast, but I got pretty good at it. One might say I started scamming the scammer. Perhaps you recall that time I catfished my catfish.

Anyway, a few days ago I got an email with the subject line:


So I responded:

“Sounds neat! I love charities.”

And then “Anna” got a little bit pushy with me after a few emails and the next thing I know the scammer is calling ME a liar. Imagine that.

I’ll spare you the details, but let’s just say things got even more heated and Anna was very upset with me for even suggesting she cheated on her husband. I mean I guess I can understand, Mr. Anna is a Prince after all! So I shouldn’t just be throwing accusations around like that, especially considering he is being held captive at this very minute. I need to think about the safety of their five children.

After Anna got all pissy I even mentioned infidelity she threatened to take all of my money and “wire” it into her bank account and not even give me the dog charity she promised. Pretty messed up, huh? Well of course I hadn’t given Anna any of my bank account information, but she insisted she could find it all anyway. And I won’t deny I was just a tiny bit scared she could. The woman has lineage back to royal witch craft after all (she said.) Normally I wouldn’t believe this type of hippity dippity, but read the comments on this post I wrote from a few months ago and then tell me there isn’t witch craft on the internet. I finally had to shut comments off for that post because they were flooding my inbox all day long.

The point is I don’t trust the internet. So I did a little research (on the internet) and tried to figure out how secure I am online. I found this quiz (posted below) and gave it a try.

Turns out I’m not very secure. Like at all. So if I disappear in the next few days you guys know where to look. I’ll be with Anna and her five children in Eastern Europe somewhere.

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  1. August 6, 2014 / 7:18 am

    That's crazy, poor Mr. Anna. He needs to find someone better.

    Luckily I just signed up yesterday for Life Lock through my work and I'm happy to say I'm secure and had little threat! I was actually surprised to see that lol.

  2. August 6, 2014 / 9:04 am

    she called you a lair lol.
    a secret or private place in which a person seeks concealment or seclusion.
    so don't worry – you're secure as you are a private place.

  3. August 6, 2014 / 9:10 am

    hahaha that is awesome. so i read "Think like a freak" (the authors of super freakanomics) and they actually said this is good to do to scammers bc it wears them down. so NICE WORK!
    also, if you are getting those comments (i get them on two posts in particular) I know it sucks but go to your comment section in blogger and check off those comments and then mark them as spam. Their links can actually hurt your site. Sorry this comment is so long.

  4. August 6, 2014 / 9:30 am

    This made me laugh. I don't know why but I never realised that if you replied to scammers nothing would really happen. I assumed there'd be a virus or something, at the very least. Now I can't wait for someone to need me to look after their $100,000,000 in my bank account…


  5. August 6, 2014 / 10:25 am

    Dang.. just went back and read your witchy spell comments. That's crazy and slightly funny, but mostly crazy. After reading this, I think I'm ready to haze the next scammer that trys to get their scam on!

  6. August 6, 2014 / 11:15 am

    I've always been tempted to write back whenever I get e-mails like that but then end up spending too much time trying to think up a clever scam to scam them back with and it goes no where. Haha she's from a long line of witch royalty? What are you in an episode of the vampire diaries? And regarding those comments, how does that even happen?

  7. August 6, 2014 / 11:30 am

    hahahahaha. we will know if anna came to get you because you blog everyday. don't have a post tomorrow? don't tease us like that!

  8. August 6, 2014 / 11:33 am

    WHAT you mean Mr Anna is not royalty and will not be sending me money, well hot damn, you just ruined my day LOL Thanks for sharing

  9. August 6, 2014 / 11:40 am

    My grandmother just fell for the "I'm from Microsoft and there is an issue with your computer that we need to help you fix. We'll just need to confirm your credit card." It's so frustrating trying to explain internet safety to people who are used to trusting everyone, and it's scary to think about how advanced the scams will be by the time we're old!

  10. August 6, 2014 / 11:47 am

    This makes me think of that commercial (a credit card commercial maybe?) where the sketchy looking guy with an accent answers the phone as the customer service representative and says "dis is Peggy." 🙂 Glad you had fun with you email scammer.

  11. August 6, 2014 / 11:50 am

    How can I even be sure this is Tay posting and not Anna?

  12. August 6, 2014 / 12:07 pm

    poor eastern europe has white population so they can still be insulted ad lib…"i don't mean to" be bitchy "but"…jeez

    • August 7, 2014 / 12:22 am

      your comment confuses me, but I can assure you "Anna the scammer" said she's from Eastern Europe, not me. I think we both know she's lying. Probably…

  13. August 6, 2014 / 12:27 pm

    Ok, this was too good. I don't trust the internet either but I tend to get wrapped up in it. Safari has me wrapped around it's little icon. On another note, I laughed out loud with this post! Very entertaining and also very insightful and helpful:)

    xo, Taylor

  14. August 6, 2014 / 12:33 pm

    my absolute favorite part of this post is the fact that your email signature says "sent from my carrier pigeon". and that totally makes me want to copy your idea and put something goofy and awesome like as the signature on all my emails, just to see who is paying attention.

  15. August 6, 2014 / 1:55 pm

    hahahaha you are my favorite!!!! good work, detective Wolfe!

  16. August 6, 2014 / 3:00 pm

    Hahaha I love that she started threatening you! What a crazy person!

  17. August 6, 2014 / 4:17 pm

    I always wondered what they would do if I reply! I get these all the time haha

  18. August 6, 2014 / 4:50 pm

    You are too funny! I love your sense of humor, even if Anna doesn't.

  19. August 6, 2014 / 5:16 pm

    You crack me up. I need to meet this Anna. She sounds like a peach that would make a great bff.

  20. August 6, 2014 / 5:40 pm

    actually, she called you a "lair". regardless, this is awesome and I'm now going to waste countless hours doing this

  21. August 6, 2014 / 5:59 pm

    I laughed out loud to this. I get them all the time, and I just delete them. I always love the ones that tell me, their loved one passed away and the left me $826,000,000 dollars in a trust, but its always in a foreign currency.

  22. August 6, 2014 / 8:41 pm

    Way to go Tay! Watch out for spell casters. I love how that's the "new" name for it. And I also love how these scammers have terrible English, makes for a great read.

  23. August 6, 2014 / 9:43 pm

    I always thought scammers steered clear of me for some reason, but then I checked my spam folder. Duh. But hahaha I love how you trolled them – this is calling for a Tumblr blog of some sort!

  24. October 19, 2014 / 4:04 am

    The African tricksters, more often than not from Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, and different nations, haven't exactly gotten their strategy down yet. For more established men they will act like a young person searching for a spouse in the United States with a dismal anecdote about how everybody in their family unit is hitched and they can't discover a spouse, or they are a "design creator" or a model searching for work, or some other, very nearly conceivable story Ryan Eagle Scammer

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