Mixing Things Up

With a breath of fresh air spring finally arrived in Chicago- kind of. It was technically only about forty degrees yesterday, but the sun shine was shining. So I’m going to call that spring. Rumor is that it might even reach fifty degrees today. Fifty! Can you imagine? If my legs weren’t so white and nasty looking I might break out the shorts.

After spending last weekend with a film crew , doing shows at the Laugh Factory and iO, and eating and drinking way too much with my family in town, Chris and I just wanted to chill this weekend. And chill we did. We had been looking forward to a weekend on the couch for almost two months now and it felt just as wonderful as we’d hoped it would. We’re both really good at couch time.

It was pretty nice on Saturday afternoon so we ventured out to walk Harlow and stumbled on what might be our next little home. It’s a wonderful little place with exposed brick on the inside and tall ceilings, and it’s literally a five minute walk to some of our favorite bars and restaurants. And did I mention it has a yard? Like a real yard (a real teeny tiny yard) but it’s grass never the less! I haven’t even told Harlow about it yet because I don’t want to get his hopes up. Because Chris and I aren’t millionaires we are still in the renting market and signing a new lease can get very competitive in Chicago. When a good spot goes up for rent it is usually scooped up within hours. So I’m crossing my fingers we get good news today and find out that we’ll be moving May 1st. I know most people hate moving but I literally love it. I get huge jollies off of reorganizing and tossing out old things and finding new ways to decorate with pieces I’ve had forever. Since 2010 I’ve moved over five times and I’m starting to get antsy to do it again. I get itchy if I stay in a place too long, and even though I love our current apartment we’ve almost been here for two years. It’s time to mix things up again.

Speaking of mixing things up, I’m thinking about doing something really crazy today and going for a run… I haven’t exactly been super physically active for the past six months years so I’m thinking it’s time to kick it into gear for summer. Or something like that. Speaking of being healthy, Sunday night for dinner Chris made the most amazing plate of oven baked chicken nachos.

It’s gross, right? Well whatever we’re pretty gross on the weekends. Don’t worry, I’ll be eating yogurt and fish all week to make up for it. And running, remember?

It’s officially Monday. Time to take on the day.

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  1. March 10, 2014 / 10:49 am

    There is nothing quite like couch time to really make you feel like you had a fabulous weekend – except maybe great weather!! Sounds like you had both!! Happy Monday!

  2. March 10, 2014 / 10:49 am

    Those nachos look delicious! Have a great run and good luck with the apartment!

  3. March 10, 2014 / 10:51 am

    Yummm nachos! Nothing better than some much deserved couch time! Fingers crossed for the new place!

  4. March 10, 2014 / 11:08 am

    Fingers crossed on the apartment! I feel like spring breathed over the entire world this past weekend – I saw so many pairs of shorts on Instagram, and meals al fresco and sunshine and…. smiles.

  5. March 10, 2014 / 11:15 am

    Every time I read one of your posts, it doesn't matter if I am eating even while reading, I decide that I am starving and I need to eat whatever you have posted. It is 11:15am and I currently feel I may die if I don't have nachos… your blog is a true blessing/curse situation lol

  6. March 10, 2014 / 11:40 am

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and the new place! I absolutely love relaxing weekends, they're the very best!

  7. March 10, 2014 / 12:36 pm

    Those nachos look like absolute heaven right now. Good luck with the apartment and have a great week! 🙂

  8. March 10, 2014 / 3:31 pm

    Sounds like a heat wave compared to our weekend weather. I am scared to show my pasty white legs in public!

  9. March 10, 2014 / 4:51 pm

    Oh man, nothing says 'the weekend' like nachos and beer. My all time favourite pub treat..

    I hope things work out for you guys and you get the place you want!!

  10. March 10, 2014 / 6:58 pm

    sounds like the perfect weekend to me. and i need to run but i always find an excuse. like right now… im reading your blog.

  11. March 10, 2014 / 9:34 pm

    I love my armchair it is mine and suited to my big lovely body, and I am not a big fan of nachos yeah don't shoot me…………….

  12. March 11, 2014 / 1:37 am

    Sometimes couch time is the best. I love that Harlow gets in on the action!
    My fingers are crossed for you about that place!

  13. March 11, 2014 / 3:05 am

    Nachos are my weakness… like kryptonite! Ugh. Yeah I need to start running again, sigh.

  14. March 11, 2014 / 7:55 am

    Harlow's paws in the first picture, so cute! Good luck with the move. 🙂


  15. March 11, 2014 / 11:16 am

    If nachos are involved…it's a good weekend

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