Monday Night Live

Last night I was in a small show at iO called “Monday Night Live,” which if you haven’t guess it yet is basically their own little version of SNL.

*it was a very low budget “production.” so low in fact, a second grader created the program. But hey “starring” is a hard word to spell regardless of how old you are I happen to think.

And I’d be lying if I didn’t say I had an absolute blast doing it. We only practiced for a couple of days leading up to it and like I’ve already said it really wasn’t a big deal for the actors (it was more for the awesome writers) but I’ll be damned if I didn’t pretend it was going to be my breakout performance of 2013! I was nervous and excited and was completely prepared to see Lorne Michaels sitting in the front row when the lights came on. Jk. But seriously, because I’m just huge a loser like that.

The theater dork inside of me that I have been trying to keep quiet for almost thirteen years now is fighting her way back to surface begging to do something obnoxious (and probably in a New Jersey accent) on stage. Let’s take a look at the many creepy faces I make while in front of an audience, shall we? (I apologize ahead of time for the quality of photos, stage lighting isn’t very forgiving. I don’t actually glow in person.)

This is definitely my “I’m not a big deal, but actually I really am, so pour me another scotch, bartender” face.

And this is my “Oh really? That’s super interesting, but I’m not actually listening to anything you’re saying,” face.

Then we have my “deer in the headlights pretending to sing Christmas carols while staring into the dark audience wondering if the guys behind me are also staring into the dark audience” look. As you can see they weren’t.

“You know the thing of it is, I was just gonna suggest… Oh shit I’m losing my train of thought” look.

“I’m falling asleep while looking disgruntled” look.

I saved the best for last. This is my “little dancing Jewish boy from the Ring” look. 

Jk. I have no idea what happened with this photo. But we can all agree it’s the best, right? If there was a talent agent in the audience last night I am definitely expecting a call today.

That’s all I’ve got. Don’t forget that Christmas Eve is officially one week from today. I hope you’re all ready, I know I am. See you later, or as highschool-me used to sign all of my diary entries,

“Later Daze- Tay #22”



  1. December 17, 2013 / 3:21 pm

    Those photos are pretty hilarious! John took a bunch of pictures of me at my birthday party last month and some of the pictures he got were.. interesting. I didn't know I had such crazy facial expressions!

  2. December 17, 2013 / 3:28 pm

    That last picture is classic! I love it!

  3. December 17, 2013 / 4:16 pm

    Look at your name practically all in shining lights! I can't wait for the day you become really famous, and then I'm going to be like, ….no big, I've been reading her blog for ages. Yes, I've known Harlow for quite awhile. Hipster status for me, right there.

  4. December 17, 2013 / 4:29 pm

    basically it appears to me that you nailed it.

  5. December 17, 2013 / 8:43 pm

    So what you are saying is we all need your autography now because before we know it you will have appeared on Tuesday Night Live, Wednesday Night Live, Thursday Night Live, Friday Night Live, untilllll you officially are seen next to that kid from Mr. Goodburger on Saturday Night Live?! And after typing that I am reminded how far away Tuesday is from Friday. Sigh.

  6. December 18, 2013 / 1:07 am

    Loved seeing you perform! You killed it. "Dancing little jewish boy from the ring" was definitely my favorite sketch, might have to steal your body blurring {morphing?} moves.


  7. December 18, 2013 / 11:58 am

    Looks like fun! You also look adorable. Great boots!

  8. December 20, 2013 / 4:16 pm

    You look like you are having an amazing time!! We are planning a trip out to Chicago to visit my cousin in the spring and hope you are still gracing the small stages so we can come watch!!

  9. March 1, 2016 / 3:07 am
  10. July 4, 2017 / 10:44 pm

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