Big People, Little Bedroom

As I made this collage today I realized Chris and I sometimes eat like we’re a bunch of high teenagers. Wings, burgers, cupcakes… I just fear the day it all catches up with us and we wake up one morning and have our own show on TLC called “Big People, Little Bedroom”- the true story of a couple too physically large to leave their apartment. 

Before you judge me too hard for my dietary choices, just know I walk about five miles a day. Sometimes six, sometimes zero, it all depends on Harlow. And I do lunges while I blow dry my hair, and while I’m waiting for the microwave. It’s all about moderation, right?

But anyway. It was another solid weekend for Chris and I. We went to one of our favorite burger bars in the city on Friday. It was an exceptionally chilly night so we knew the time was finally right to head back to our beloved, Dukes, for a burger and a beer. This place just has a cozy feeling to it, like the inside of a ski lodge, so we don’t really go here when the weather is warm.

But in the winter, man this place is a gem. If you’re ever in Chicago and you go to Dukes, don’t just order a burger, go all out and order some wings, too.

Saturday I got on the bus to head over to Lincoln Square to audition for something. I really didn’t know much about the project, still don’t actually, but I’m just trying to audition as much as I can at this point. It was my first on camera read, so that was fun. It was also cool because after I did a few read throughs with the script the director told me to try a few scenes fully improvised. I’ve done improvised auditions, and I’ve done script auditions, but I’ve never done a combination of the two so I kinda panicked. I felt like Joey from the “mmmm noodle soup” episode because I just continued to say the lines from the script even though I knew they wanted me to improvise. And I usually really love any chance I get to improvise, so I clearly just choked this time. I think I need to go on about 500 more auditions before I get good. But one of these times I’m gonna land “the waitress” role, I can just feel it.

When I got back from the audition Harlow took me on about an hour long walk around the neighborhood. Naturally I had to stop and snap every single photo of trees and leaves I thought looked pretty.

I really don’t know what I’m going to photograph once winter sets in. The bare trees? No thank you.

Saturday evening we went to a small concert at The Metro in Wrigleyville for a band called Little Green Cars. Have you heard of them? I hadn’t either. But they were really really good. Chris swears they’re going to be huge like any day now. He might be right.

Before the show we grabbed some oysters and dirtys and took some more awkward dinner photos, in which I forgot the danger of using a flash when wearing a dark shirt with a tan bra.

Little Green Cars is a group from Ireland. They’re kinda like Mumford & Sons meets The Lumineers. Speaking of good music, there’s another new band in Chicago that is blasting onto the scene called Ariada. They just released their first EP and they also happen to be friends of mine! They’re like a blend of indie rock, pop, and soul- which is right up my alley. If this is your kind of thing, check out some of their songs here. 

And Sunday was spent watching The Bears, walking the Harlow, and re-watching The Hunger Games in preparation of Hunger Games 2 coming out November 22nd! That’s just one month away. And thank God for that, I’ve missed my Peeta and Gale.

Who’s ready to tackle Monday? I think I am. Per the usual, I’m starting a new life this week. No more pizza or burgers, it’s time to get healthy-ish. This should be interesting. If anyone has any tips or suggestions for how can I lose a few lbs without doing absolutely anything at all, feel free to send them my way.

Catch ya later.

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  1. October 20, 2013 / 10:48 pm

    I've been trying to change my diet too, I also stopped to get cupcakes on my way home this evening. The one thing I have really stuck to is drinking 8 glasses of water a day. Being well hydrated will make you feel so much better, it's amazing!

    It's so great that you're putting yourself out there and going on auditions! And I'm still waiting for the leaves to change in ny.

  2. October 20, 2013 / 11:07 pm

    I'm on this new diet. Well, I don't eat anything and when I feel like I'm about to faint I eat a cube of cheese. I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight.

  3. October 21, 2013 / 12:00 am

    Totally with you on eating like a fat person. I think I ate about 100,000 calories between Tuesday and today and I'm DONE. My 'eat healthy-ish' diet begins tomorrow, so we're doing it together!
    Also – LOVING how beautiful Chicago is right now. Sooo jealous.

  4. October 21, 2013 / 9:02 am

    Oysters. Ew. Those are not a teenager meal.
    I know because I have the appetite of a teenager and even the picture of them was enough to make me gag. Gross.

  5. October 21, 2013 / 9:42 am

    you say you don't like going to concerts but y'all go to your fair share. i think I could join you in the show big people, little bedroom. the way i'm eating lately… it's not good.

  6. October 21, 2013 / 10:30 am

    I saw the noodle soup episode of Friends yesterday, so funny. I love all your food pictures so don't eat to healthy or I will go through delicious food picture withdraw.

  7. October 21, 2013 / 10:57 am

    your fall photos are so pretty!!! I'm trying to be healthy, but sometimes it's so hard. Everything in moderation! Also, I'm so excited for Catching Fire. I'm re-reading the book now.

  8. October 21, 2013 / 12:15 pm

    I'm so excited for Catching Fire not because I'm a huge HG fan (never read the books), but because this means JLaw is back on the publicity train – wahooooooo for hilarious interviews in the near future! And you look so cute in that sweater – and also, I always say – eat as much as you can while you still live in a big city, perfect excuse!

  9. October 21, 2013 / 12:30 pm

    Little Green Cars are brilliant 🙂 And its luvly to think a little band from over here is making it over there 🙂

  10. October 21, 2013 / 1:07 pm

    HG, yes please. I sorta, already, maybe dorkishly bought tickets…

  11. October 21, 2013 / 2:57 pm

    Love that you referenced Friends, fave show ever 🙂

  12. October 21, 2013 / 4:07 pm

    Oh my gosh, Dukes AND Molly's??? You can't ever go wrong with that combo. What deliciousness. I am inexplicably jealous right now.

  13. October 21, 2013 / 7:33 pm

    Lose weight, doing nothing?! Send me that one when you get it! On a side note, I have lost a few lbs by cutting out red meat, soda/caffeine, and all things fast or fried. Good luck!

  14. October 21, 2013 / 9:15 pm

    I would love to lose weight if only I didn't like my food so much…………………..

  15. October 21, 2013 / 10:55 pm

    Sometimes I get jealous that you can have such a rockin' bod and eat the way you do, but you're right, you do walk A LOT. When we vacationed in Chicago (vacationed? ha! I was chaperoning a high school trip) my feet were killing me the first day. And the second. But eventually they just stopped hurting. I should walk that much every day but it's hard to find the motivation if you don't have a destination. . .

  16. October 22, 2013 / 3:49 am

    I love your Chicago trees and leaves pictures!
    We're off to a burger place named Dukes this Thursday (our burger night!) So know that there is a Dukes in Johannesburg, South Africa!
    Thanks for the band recommendations – going to check them out.
    You're so lucky to have the awesome bod and get to walk so much, despite all the food. We just eat and eat and eat and do minimal exercise!
    Good luck with the auditions

  17. October 22, 2013 / 11:20 am

    Don't be creeped out but I may set one of those fall pics as my desktop background! And Chris' beard really fits in at the ski lodge!

  18. October 22, 2013 / 9:46 pm

    Look up the Whole 30 diet! I ate pretty much like you (aka everything delicious because it's well…delicious). However, I was hitting up the taco bell a bit too much for my jeans size. Whole 30…day 22…and I went from a big size six to a little size four with a single work out 🙂

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