A Timeline of Blogging

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, but blogging is a funny thing. Those of us involved in it could talk shop for hours, while those of you not involved in it typically have no idea what goes into blogging. Although I’ve started to notice that when I tell people I blog, they’re usually kinda fascinated by the whole idea of it and there’s always a few things that seem to peak their interest the most. Such as the fact money can be made from blogging, free things are sent to bloggers, and blogland is ran by beautiful Mormons. Those always seem to be the three things that immediately grab the attention of non-bloggers. Hell, I’m obviously a blogger and those three things still grab my attention.

I’m then usually asked when and why I started blogging. To which I never know what to respond. Because writing a diary on my computer just started to feel a little weird at age twenty-two, so I felt the need to the broadcast my thoughts on the internet instead, like every other millennial? Or because I was going on my first business trip and wanted somewhere to complain about the TSA? I honestly don’t know why I did it. I just know that one day I signed onto blogger. com and started rambling and haven’t stopped for over four years.

Just for kicks, I decided to make a timeline of sorts documenting the way my blog got started, and the different ways it has changed over the years.

7.11.2009 The Daily Tay is born.
Day 1 of my real job” is the first post ever written.

8.19.2009 I decide to get “fancy” and add a photo to my page design. And so this photo would stay as the main “design” of my page for the next two (plus) years until I decided it might fun to add another photo…

8.17.2010 Over 1 year into blogging I receive my first “random” comment from someone named “Momma” on one of my posts and I am freaked out. Who is this person? How did they find my blog? Am I suppose to answer back? WHAT DOES THIS ALL MEAN? Luckily, it would be about three years before I started getting regular comments so I had plenty of time to settle into it all. Never want to do too much too soon, you know?

11.8.2011 I get the bright idea to add a photo to one of my posts! (gasp!) Of all the posts I choose to add my first photo to, it’s the one I wrote about Michelle Duggar being pregnant for the 27th time. If you click on over don’t say I didn’t warn you, chances are a few of you will really hate it.

12.27.2011 I receive my first negative comment. And like the little idiot I was, I freaked the F out. And it wasn’t even that bad of a comment, looking back it was actually pretty truthful. It was probably written by Chris the more I think about it.

12.28.2011 Naturally I had to write an entire follow-up post to said comment the next day. Guys, I’m not proud of this. But it happened so I have to be honest and put it out there. We learn from our mistakes.

1.4.2012 I start the new year off with a bang and begin a new segment I’m really excited about entitled “Letters From Me.” Keep in mind I had no idea what link-ups were and thought I was an absolute genius for starting this. Sadly, it faded out by February.

1.24.2012 I get really crazy and start adding even more photos to posts! Unfortunately, I haven’t quite figured out how spacing works just yet.

2.10.2012 Rather than simply hitting “publish” one day I play around on blogger for a minute or two and realize I can actually check my traffic. Mind –> blown. (Keep in mind this is THREE YEARS into blogging.) I just honestly never cared before so I never thought to look.

3.1.2012 I discover blogland and suddenly things really start to change.

3.10.2012 I get over zealous and try to start my own link-up. No one joins. Insert (womp, womp, womp) sound here.

3.18.2012 I get serious and even do a little blogging from Italy.

3.28.2012 I decide to contact my first big blogger and inquire about blog advertising. Shit is getting real… Erin says my name in blogland just one time and suddenly more traffic starts heading my way.

6.10.2012 I try to grow my blog even more and offer to guest post for anyone and everyone who asks. In June of 2012 I wrote about 30 guest posts. And I think I grew by about 100 followers, so that was fun.

6.15.2012 Steph gives me an unexpected shout-out one day and I think it’s the COOLEST THING EVER! Because it really was.

7.1.2012 I start to accept paid spots from other bloggers and am so excited about it I don’t handle it well at all. My apologies about that one.

9.20.2012 I hit 1,000 followers!

September 2012- Current Still changing, still learning, still adapting, but always trying to remain consistent to why I started blogging in the first place- to complain about the TSA. And to keep myself writing every single day.

And this post officially took me a helluva lot longer than I expected. Such is the life of a blogger.

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  1. October 22, 2013 / 10:35 am

    Hahaha this is brilliant. I love that it took you three years to find your stats page. I think I found mine straight away – and then got SERIOUSLY excited the first time I hit 100 views in a day. If I got that now I would genuinely cry. It's really cool to see how far you've come in the last few years, especially since you started so slowly haha! You've become one of my favourites to read 🙂

  2. October 22, 2013 / 10:39 am

    I was so freaked out when people I didn't know started commenting on my blog eight months after I started blogging. I was like who let them in? Duh the internet is open. People are allowed to come in.

  3. October 22, 2013 / 10:58 am

    Hi! I've been reading blogs for years, and have never ever commented. I feel like I should introduce myself, I'm Amy and this is my first comment ever. ..I grew up in Nebraska but now live in Wyoming. My sister just married a guy from Norfolk, so maybe we know a few people in common…as I feel is always the case when it comes to Wyoming & Nebraska. Anyways- I stumbled upon your blog awhile back and visit it daily, you're writing is just too good to pass up! Thanks for sharing this timeline…I went back and read your duggar post. hahha LOVED IT! I just had to email it to my sisters to read. I should also send them a link to your bachelor/pope post. Oh my…that one is my all time favorite! Thanks for sharing your writing with those of us who aren't as clever. If you get a novel written – you'll definitely have a buyer in Wyoming. 🙂

    • October 22, 2013 / 1:56 pm

      Well this is the sweetest comment ever, thank you for finally speaking up 🙂 I probably do know your sister's guy because yes, Norfolk is pretty small and we all seem to know each other some way or another!

  4. October 22, 2013 / 10:59 am

    Loved following your timeline into the blogging world. It is a crazy place. My mind gets blown about every other day at what I've been missing out on. I always wonder how everyone else knows about this stuff. At least google is around to answer all my inane questions:)

  5. October 22, 2013 / 11:04 am

    This is great! It helps put things into persepctive for us new bloggers. I still don't know half of the blogger words you just said so I have a long way to go but I learn somethng every day!

  6. October 22, 2013 / 11:04 am

    I love that it took you awhile to figure everything out! The Duggar post, oh my goodness!! You are too funny!!

  7. October 22, 2013 / 11:16 am

    It's crazy how it all happens; I started my blog when hubs left for Afghanistan (just for myself) and I can't believe what it's become and what I've gotten from it all!

  8. October 22, 2013 / 11:39 am

    I love this!
    I, too, started my blog a long time ago (2010), and I just recently (this summer) became an active part of the blogging community. It's so crazy how much I missed in those 3 years but I'm really happy I am truly involved now 🙂
    Britt @ One&20

  9. October 22, 2013 / 11:48 am

    wow. that escalated quickly.

    sorry had to. but love this post. not gonna lie, I clicked through most of the past posts. This is such a great idea.

  10. October 22, 2013 / 11:50 am

    This is great! I've been stuck at the 200 mark for awhile but have yet to start paid advertising or paying to advertise my blog. I'm sure that's my next step though! Great look down memory lane for ya! My blog is a year and a half but I can only take credit in actually working on it/with bloggers etc since January of this year.

  11. October 22, 2013 / 11:50 am

    I felt like an idiot for the longest time when I started blogging because I didn't know I was supposed to respond to comments, and I usually would just add another comment below their comment in the post instead of emailing them back. Plus I was a "no reply blogger" so when I commented on other people's posts they had no way to respond. Those were the days 😛

  12. October 22, 2013 / 12:03 pm

    You've come a long way! Haha I still hate talking about blogging with "real life people" – it's just so awkward! I'm usually just like ak;ljf;lkdjfa;jkd (mumbling)… let's go get food. I suck at it!

  13. October 22, 2013 / 12:38 pm

    Lovey. I still can't figure out spacing. Feel free to mention me any time. Oh shitballs. I'm anonymous so you can't. Shit on a stick. Twice. Congrats on your blogging career….

  14. October 22, 2013 / 1:01 pm

    Your blog is one of my daily reads. Thank you for this post. I just recently started blogging and still have so much to learn. It's helpful to see the timeline of your success and comforting to know a blog's not built in a day!

    • October 22, 2013 / 1:56 pm

      Oh thank you! Well some blogs might move fast but mine certainly didn't haha! Oh well, I've enjoyed it along the way!

  15. October 22, 2013 / 1:17 pm

    This is a great idea for a post! Im sure i took you forever to write and add all the links..this makes me think that I should def be keeping track of all of my blog milestones.

  16. October 22, 2013 / 2:06 pm

    I love this post. I'm always curious about other bloggers' timelines, since I am trying to grow my blog a little and can't help but compare myself to others. At times it is easy to think that bigger bloggers just started blogging and BAM had thousands of followers. It's refreshing to hear that that is not the case. 🙂

  17. October 22, 2013 / 2:51 pm

    I think it's really cool that you were able to create a timeline for all of this. I wouldn't be able, even if I used my posts as a guide!

  18. October 22, 2013 / 4:14 pm

    I loved this post! It's so cool to see how you've progressed as a blogger.

  19. October 22, 2013 / 4:17 pm

    How did I not think of this!? What an awesome idea! And look how fast your blog grew. That is amazing! Anddd you're one of my daily reads, so there's that!

  20. October 22, 2013 / 4:30 pm

    Your blog is one of my favorites, definitely my must-read of the week (screw TMZ and Perez, damn it). Congratulations on all of your growth, I know so many people finding you inspiring, funny, and well, the best. You know this though. 🙂



  21. October 22, 2013 / 7:41 pm

    I love this post! I just found you through Living in Yellow… I'll definitely be visiting daily! <3

  22. October 22, 2013 / 8:52 pm

    This was great, I have received the odd negative comment from time to time it is part of blogging. You know I love to come and hang out here most days.

  23. October 23, 2013 / 6:17 am

    Omg sooo pretty!!!

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